Learning Specialist
How would your family describe you in three words?
Playful, kind, and passionate.
What is your favorite tefillah?
Modet Ani (No, not a typo! -- curious about nonbinary Hebrew? Learn more here: https://www.nonbinaryhebrew.com/ ).
Which elementary school teacher had the biggest impact on you and why?
I loved my 3rd grade teacher who trained my peers and me to be peer mediators and to help each other to solve problems. I also loved sitting on a small piece of carpet and listening to the book Stellaluna read out loud.
What do you most hope your students learn from you - other than the curriculum?
I hope my students will learn from me to take a deep breath; that when you're feeling stressed it might help to take a dance break; that mistakes are the way we learn; that saying sorry and making a change can repair harm and make a relationship stronger; that they are wonderful just as they are, and loved and appreciated for their unique gifts.