Gifts at all levels are critical to building the future of our school. We are DEEPLY GRATEFUL to all those who have already stretched for the future of our community.
Gift of $1,000,000+
Commitments: 1
Preschool Division: Gan (available)
Kevutzot (available)
Chativah (reserved)
Beit Midrash/Library (reserved)
Gift of $200,000+
Commitments: 2
Ivrit Department (available)
Student Support Department (available)​
Gift of $100,000+
Commitments: 2
Science & Exploration Center (reserved)
Art Workshop (reserved)
Staff Lounge (reserved)​
Gift of $75,000+
Commitments: 2
Named Scholarships (available)
Gift of $50,000+
Commitments: 4
Classrooms (9/12 available)
Gift of $25,000+
Commitments: 1
Professional Development Program (available)
Siddurim Dedication for Annual First Grade Ceremony (available)
Chumashim Dedication for Annual Second Grade Ceremony (available)
Gift of $18,000+
Commitments: 0
Annual Yom Ha’atzmaut Celebration (available)
Annual Pride Shabbat Celebration (available)
Annual MLK Day Musical Tefillah (available)
Annual Jewish Art Gallery Experience (available)
Gift of $10,000+
Commitments: 1
Beit Midrash/Library Bookcase (available)
​Gift of $5000+
Commitments: 1
Mezuzah for Classroom (available)
​Gift of $1000+
Commitments: 8
Beit Midrash/Library Shelf (available)
​Gift of Any Amount
Current Gifts Received/Pledged: 18
Dedication of Book in Beit Midrash/Library (available)
Make a contribution at or above $50,000, and enjoy complimentary tickets to the
the annual gala and all communal events.​​
All donations to the capital campaign
will be recognized in our new home.
To choose a meaningful dedication opportunity for your family,
contact Stephanie Ives, Head of School
stephanie@beitrabban.org or 212-595-1386

We have long thought about the “beit” in Beit Rabban as alluding to the importance of home ("bayit" in Hebrew), a place of belonging. The blessing of a permanent space will further anchor every child, teacher, and family member in the Beit Rabban community.
We invite families of all Jewish backgrounds and affiliations to join us, and we look forward to welcoming you to your new Jewish home!
Checks payable to:
Beit Rabban Day School
15 West 86th Street, New York, NY, 10024
Give over the phone via credit card by calling our
office at 212-595-1386